Sep 2-8 banding

No banding tonight (Sep 8) due to a moose and her calf hanging out in the middle of the net area. This last week’s banding included the first adult Saw-whet banded this season. Early-season numbers are way up compared to the last several years.

Over the last week:

Sep 7: 7 Saw-whets banded, all hatch-year
Sep 6: No banding due to rain/wind
Sep 5: 8 Saw-whets banded, one 2nd year bird, the rest hatch-year
Sep 4: 7 Saw-whets banded, all hatch-year
Sep 3: 8 Saw-whets banded, all hatch-year
Sep 2: 3 Saw-whets banded, all hatch-year